1(725) 222-3686 doug@DOuGTrainer.com

Doug Parker Is “The DOuGTrainer”

“We’ve lost sight of how to raise, relate to, and be leaders for our #dogs. We’re labeling their behaviors and paying more attention to the labels than paying attention to their behaviors.” This is gold. —Nicola Cataldo

The DOuGTrainer’s Training Is Holistic

Seemingly doing two things at once, it’s addressing the whole relationship by addressing addressable factors at its core. It's built on Nature’s evidence—not human opinion.

Educate the Human—Not ‘Train the Dog’

Surprise! It's not ‘#dogtraining,’ it's people education or #peopletraining. The elephant in the room is that you consciously, or unconsciously choose… or not.

What Training Is the Best Training?

“The most effective training”—not “the quickest training”—is the best training. The quickest training will never be best. The current culture's “quick fix” mentality is a point of failure that gets dismissed and overlooked in all cases. That's bad.


“A dog's behavior is its communication,” which is genuine only at the moment of its behavior. The “in-the-moment” portion is necessarily included in its message. Its behavior is its message. That's why “our explanation of what they did” isn't ever totally right.

No Collars, No Clickers, No Treats, No Meds

Voluntary submission can never be coerced. Coercive collars are a point of failure.

When Is My Dog Relaxed?

When you see their cold, wet nose, and relaxed, open mouth breathing.

“Educate the Human.”

It’s Not “Fix the Dog.”

The Culture Is Learning to Be More Patient

It's about you, it's not about your dog.

It's an Awareness Thing

It's about you, it's not about your dog.

Positive, non-aggressive, mobile training, is usually provided at your home for your convenience, in Henderson, Las Vegas, and anywhere around the world—I train live, across the globe, through remote video, using Jitsi, Google, or Zoom. Contact The DOuGTrainer at 725 . 222 . 3686. choose Contact from the menu, or go to the Contact page.

For a deeper understanding of things, to get a better handle on what’s involved, to figure out how to stick your own foot in the door, watch for when the button below is published to go to the DOuGTrainer Wiki.