There is a small half-circle on the side of the light. The switch is located behind that half-circle. The magnet needs to be pointed toward that half circle.
For a rough test of your light placement, use scotch tape. Either tape it over the top, or use a loop of tape on top of the double sided tape. Tests don't have to be pretty. You can test the placement of the light, and the strength of the magnet.
Not sure your light is off when the case is shut? Try using the 8 second self-timer on your cell phone camera to take a picture of the case from the inside when it's closed tightly.
Once you've decided where to place the light, make sure the half circle on the side of the light is pointing outward. Now is the time to notice it, not later.
If you're happy replacing the double-sided tape every time it dries out, then go ahead--peel and stick. I used epoxy to secure the magnets. I settled for double sided tape for the light unit.
Put a piece of black electrical tape on the face of the magnet if you don't want to see the metallic look. Since you're probably putting it inside a black plastic case, most will want to do this.
Putting a thin coat of epoxy over the magnet helps smooth out the look some. Be very sparing on the epoxy.
When you're applying epoxy, don't use anything ferrous to apply it to the surface of the magnet. DAMHIKT.
Roughen up the surface being glued.
Wait until your eyes are adjusted to the dark, then open the cases.
If the lights are too bright, put some tape over them.
The flat face of the unit needs to face the half circle, not the edge, or the switch may not work.
Don't like the look of the white case? A little electrical tape works wonders.