

reCAPTCHA is a test to identify humans at a keyboard versus a bot attempting to break in through to your system. Go read about it. A side-effect of reCAPTCHA is that the brief, five second interludes of brain smarts from millions of people world wide are put to use for a productive and brilliant result.

reCAPTCHA is being used to proofread millions of words every year. Books that are difficult for computers to scan and recognize (OCR) can be translated word by word with 100% accuracy.

If you know of a place where this kind of application of image-to-text translation could come into helpful use (for example, translating old patents at the through 1975, patents are scanned and cannot be text searched) email me, or better yet, email them, tell them about reCAPTCHA, and then email me to tell me about your experiences.

Warm regards,
